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Skorpion-Zinc Logo

Skorpion Zinc turned to Roytec Global when PLS clarification compromised plant operation. Roytec embarked on a laboratory & pilot plant campaign with Skorpion to find the best solution and this resulted in the installation of 3 x 8mᴓ Roytec Global Pin Bed Clarifiers with novel feed preparation technology. Shortly after commissioning and to this day, the Pin Bed Clarifiers consistently achieve less than 15ppm clarity for PLS going to SX.

Mining Equipment Technologies

Chemwes Uranium Project chose Roytec Global for the design & supply of all their thickening requirements. Included in this successful installation are: – 6 x 25mᴓ CCD Thickeners – 2 x 50mᴓ Tailings Thickeners – 1 x 30mᴓ Paste Thickener

Copper Mine

Palabora Copper Mine searched world-wide for the best copper flotation option for their 50,000tpd Lift ll Project. Roytec Global’s partner in flotation technology, Beijing General Research Institute for Mining & Metallurgy (BGRIMM), were selected for their advanced 320m3 KYF Flotation Cell technology. 7 x 320m3 Rougher Cells and 5 x 100m3 Cleaner Cells will be commissioned in 2016.