Ion Exchange Plants
Roytec supplies a number of different Process Technologies for ION Exchange in Hydromet applications
Our technology
Fixed Bed Ion Exchange:
Metal recovery from waste streams, i.e. Cu recovery
Purification of metals, i.e. removing Ni from Co electrolyte
Precious metals recovery and purification
Extraction of toxic materials from process streams
Counter Current Ion Exchange:
Metal recovery from process streams;
– Cu/Co/Ni/Zn/U/V/Re/Mo/Au/Bi/Sb recovery.
– Enhance product purity using scrub and pre-elution
– U, Re, Ni, Cu products employ these techniques,
Purification of metals, i.e. removing Ni from Co electrolyte, V from U PLS;
– Co/Ni; Ni/Fe; Cu/Fe separations.
Precious metals recovery and purification.
Extraction of toxic materials from process streams.
Fe scrubbing from Ni & CU PLS feeds.
Rare earths recovery and purification
Test Facilities:
Laboratory Single Column Testing;
– Identifying suitable resins.
– Basic loading and kinetic testing.
– Basic plant design information.
Pilot Plant;
– Laboratory or site testing.
– Confirming data from lab testing.