Product Features
• Dry Permanent Magnetic Drums
• Dry Cobbing Magnetic Separators
• Wet Permanent Magnet Drum Separators LIMS & MIMS
• External Magnet Wet Drum Separators
• Electromagnetic separation columns
Magnetic Separators
BGRIMM-MAT Magnetic Separation technology is leading the development of Magnetic Separation technology in China and is China’s largest supplier of Magnetic Separators with permanent magnets.
The Beijing General Research Institute for Mining & Metallurgy (BGRIMM) have been active in Magnetic Separation Technology research, design and manufacture since the early 1960’s. BGRIMM-MAT (Machinery & Automation Technology division) is Asia’s leading Magnetic Separation technological development company who design equipment for over 70% of the Chinese market.
Recently BGRIMM have supplied major mining operations such as Sino Iron in the Pilbara region in Western Australia with 200 BGRIMM units successfully installed in the plant.
Apart from the Chinese market, BGRIMM have supplied numerous Magnetic Separators for different applications in Australia, Peru, Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan etc.
Roytec will support BGRIMM-MAT with a range of services including testwork, equipment sizing, project execution to western standards. In addition, Roytec offer commissioning, after sales service and local spares holding.
The combination of BGRIMM’s leading technology, economical Chinese fabrication and strong local support from Roytec gives local clients a very attractive option for their Magnetic Separation needs.

The range of Magnetic Separation equipment
CT Series Dry Permanent Magnetic Pulley Drum Separators
o Largest available – 1500mmᶲ x 3400mm
o Magnetic Intensity of 150 – 600mT
o Efficiently separates lumps with magnetite content up to 400mm.
o Treats up to 6000tph

Dry Cobbing Magnetic Separators
o Single and two stage units available
o Separates waste before wet concentration
Largest dry cobbing magnetic separator
ф1200*4,000 – Capacity 450tph

CT Series Dry Permanent Magnetic Drum Separators (DLIMS)
•Largest available – 1200mmᶲ x 4000mm
•Magnetic Intensity of 150 – 600mT
•Efficiently separates finely crushed magnetite after fine crushing and HPGR.
•Treats up to 450tph with a feed topsize of 40mm

We have multiple options for Wet Medium and Low Intensity Magnetic Separation (WMIMS & WLIMS) as below:
Separation Processing
Suitable Model
10mm coarse ore wet separation
Cobber or Rougher
Wet Separation
Cleaner or Finisher
Concentrating and dewatering
Cleaner or pretreatment
Tailings Recovery
Heavy media separation

CT Series Wet Permanent Magnetic Drum Separators
•From 900mmᶲ x 1800mm to 1500mmᶲ x 5000mm (Largest globally available Wet Magnetic Separator)
•Capacity from 30tph to 250tph
•Magnetic Intensity from 150 to 600mT
•Full range of stainless steel, ceramic and rubber drum linings provided.

BKZ Series Column Magnetic Separators
• From 600mmᶲ x 3600mm high to 1800mmᶲ x 7400mm high.
•Capacity from 170dtpd to 1050dtpd
• Alternating magnetic field improves concentrate quality
• Controllable separation index
• High levels of automation
• Used as last stage of magnetic separation to increase the grade from 2-9%

Wet Permanent Magnet Drum Separators LIMS & MIMS
o Sizes from Ø750mm x 1200mm long to Ø1500 x 5000mm long
o Magnetic Strength 1000 – 12000Gs across the range
o Concurrent, counter current and counter rotation tank configurations
o Available in Multi-step configurations reducing required footprint
o Options covering many different feed particle size distributions
Largest wet magnetic separator ф1500*5,000