
Product Features
• CCD Circuit of 5 x 35m stainless steel units for the DRC
• Phosphate Concentrate 30m and Tails 35m for new West Coast mine
• PGM plant 2 x 18m units
Roytec has emerged as one of Southern Africa’s leading Thickener suppliers. Our advances in feedwell optimisation (RadFlow), Drive Head design and Bolted Tank experience has resulted in many significant mining thickener installations over the past 12 months.
Our technology and experience extends to many configurations of thickening
CCD Circuits with advanced inter-stage mixing / pumping allowing a “flat” layout
RadFlow Feedwells – recognised as “best of breed” technology in dissipation of energy and optimisation of flocculant
Internal feed dilution designs
Paste and High Density Thickeners
Deep Cone and Underground units
We offer advanced Mechanical Features
- Automatic rake lift & lower
- Control systems with bed level, bed pressure, torque and rake elevation
- Bolted Tank designs for modular plants & reduced site erection time.